"Claire is an exceptional writer and copywriter who brings wit and wisdom to her assignments. Her 'voice' is captivating and communicates in a manner that touches minds and hearts – a combination of intellectual and emotional engagement that is so commercially valuable."

Karoline Newman, Articulate Communication

UCL | London's global university

Most recently, I helped collate and edit Breakthrough Stories for the Made at UCL campaign. Previously, I worked with the Communications and Marketing team on a website migration (Silva to Drupal) and helped to manage and implement the internal comms strategy which encompassed staff and student newsletters (Dotmailer), digital signage (OneLan), and an app (UCL Go!). Supporting on projects like printed brochure copy for the Brain Food events programme and copy for the suite of Countdown to UCL emails for freshers (subject lines and body copy).

UCL is a sprawling organisation with breakthroughs in research occurring on a regular basis. As one of the top universities in the world, it also has many notices and updates to everyday operations that need to be disseminated across campus in the most effective way possible. I have supported the teams through major transitions and helped to implement best practice.

Community Stories  Made at UCL London's Global University
Culture stories  Made at UCL London's Global University

Short Stories | I write them

Mencap | neurodiversity